Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tech. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2019

How to Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace

Do you aspire to be known for something? Are you concerned there's no room for you and for your message? Let's talk. (heavy whooshing) Shout out to Brad Poyer for asking me this question on Instagram. (soft new age music) Let's take the most crowded industry in the entire world, can you guess what it is? It's the food industry. Every single human that I'm aware of on the planet needs to eat. (laughing) - [Director] (laughing)

How to Stand Out in a Crowded Marketplace

That you're aware of? - And the reality is, there's a lot that can be said about food, and some people might say, well, there's no way that I could ever create any food related content that hasn't already been done. Well let's explore whether that's true or not. First let's take a look at Love and Lemons. It's literally a blog about using lemons with food, and that's all they talk about is lemons, lemons, lemons. How about this YouTube channel Cooking With Dog. - [Dog Voiceover] Hi, I'm Francis, the host of this show Cooking with Dog. -

Literally it's about a woman who cooks with her dog. Yeah, there's a whole YouTube channel, and she's crushing it. Or how about A Taste of the Past, which is a podcast dedicated to flavors and foods from the past. A lemon, a dog, the past, those are all angles on food that somebody got creative with. There are absolutely endless options for you no matter what industry you're in. Let me share a story with you. (upbeat new age music) I started Social Media Examiner more than 10 years ago, and there were hundreds and hundreds of blogs talking about social media. How did I decide to differentiate? First, I designed a cartoon character.

People said, a cartoon character? Who's gonna listen to a cartoon character? I said, that's not the point. The point is that I've created a cartoon character that no one will ever forget. And whenever they come to our site, they'll remember Scout. I also noticed that everybody was talking about their opinion, I don't like Facebook for this, the Twitter way all this, everybody was complaining, complaining, complaining, but you wanna know what no one was doing? Sharing "how to" tips. So I decided to differentiate my brand by just talking about the "how to". (mechanical clicking) (heavy whooshing) What's unique about you in your industry?

What can you do to stand out? Here's a couple questions that I want you to ask other people, here we go. Number one, imagine you had an Internet Movie Database profile page on you, and there's that one section that says you're most known for, (blank). What's the name of that movie, metaphorically? For me, Michael Stelzner, most known for Social Media Marketing Analyst. What are you most known for? Ask your friends and customers to answer that question. The second question to ask your friends and customers is what makes me different?

Why? The last question, what would you most like me to talk about? And then tell me more. The next step is to decide what type of delivery platform you're gonna use. Are you a performer? Are you a writer? Are you a talker? You know your skills best, start with the path that's easiest for you, and sometimes, if you're not sure, maybe just pick up Instagram, and start using Instagram Stories; why? Because when you record that little 15 second video it's gonna be gone after 24 hours, and you won't have to worry about what people think about it.

That might be your good on-ramp to testing your message to see whether or not it resonates with people before you dive fully into video, podcasting, or the written word. Remember that you are unique, and you have everything you need already to be successful, because there's absolutely no one else in the world like you.

There's no one else who has walked the path that you've walked, had the experiences that you have, and has thought the things that you've thought. And if you really wanna stand out, don't try to be someone else. Instead, be you. Despite there being billions of people on this planet, there's no one anywhere like you. So get out there and start sharing your message with the world. In the next video, I'm gonna talk about how stopping is the key to starting.
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How to Use NFC Tags with Your iPhone

Hi this is Gary with In this episode let me show you how you can use your iPhone with these NFC tags. There you can read more about it, join us and get exclusive content. So what's an NFC tag? Well they're these little stickers or they could be little cards or just about anything and it has a bit of electronics in it. NFC stands for Near Field Communication and it's technology that allows to use your iPhone with Apple Pay and other systems. But these little tags are the simplest form of this use.

How to Use NFC Tags with Your iPhone

You can actually use the Shortcuts app to react to when you bring your iPhone near one of these tags. There are also ways to put data on these tags so your iPhone or somebody else's iPhone automatically reacts to them. This is a strip of NFC tags I got on Amazon. I think they cost like $6 for ten. You can get them even cheaper if you buy more. There are tons of them. Just search for NFC tags. If you actually hold a flashlight up to the tag they become a little transparent and you can see the actual circuitry inside.

To use them all you need to do is bring it near your phone. This can be a sticker on the wall and you touch your phone to it. The very top part here. They only work within an inch and a half of the tag. Thus the end, the near, in Near Field Communication. So one way to use a NFC tag with your iPhone is to create a personal automation in the Shortcuts app. You can have that automatically run when you bring a tag next to your iPhone or your iPhone touching the tag. So let's go into the Shortcuts app and switch to Automations.

We can create a personal automation. Then is you go towards the bottom you'll see NFC is one of the options. We'll select that. Now the first thing we need to do is scan a tag. So I'm going to tap the Scan button there and it's going to say Ready to Scan. Now I'm going to bring this tag right up against the top of my iPhone here and once it recognizes it, it pops up a little Name This Tag. So I'm just going to do a Test Tag name and hit Okay. Then I hit the next button there at the top and now I can add Actions. So let's go and add a simple thing that just starts a Timer. So I'll go into the Clock app here and look at the actions for Clock.

I can say Start a Timer. Let's say 10 seconds just as a demonstration. But this could be something for 30 minutes. Say a tag you want to tap your iPhone to then take a nap or remind yourself in 30 minutes it's time for dinner. Something like that. So this could be my 30 minute timer tag that I can tap. Just keep it simple like that. I'll do Next and you can see it's setup for when Test Tag is detected. Do, Start Timer. Now I can turn on Ask Before Running. So let's make this an automatic automation here. I'll turn this off and now it should work automatically. In order for this to be active I have to hit Done to finish.

Now I can return to my Home screen and let's give it a try. In my test if the phone is asleep it doesn't work. It has to be woken up so you have to have some movement because the screen has to be on. But it doesn't need to be unlocked. It will work whether it's locked or unlocked. Let's test it out here. I'm going to touch the tag to the phone and you can see it gives me a notification there that something is running. So now it should be just 10 seconds before the alarm goes off.

There you can see the Timer went off and I have the Stop button and I can hear a sound as well. I can return to Shortcuts here and I can go into the Automation and change what it does without changing the tag. So I can go in here and I can add more things. I can make it do something different. I can have it get a playlist, for instance, and play it. I can have it send messages. I can do anything I could do in the Shortcuts app. I can have triggered here. I can also simply add Run Shortcuts. So I can have an existing Shortcut and have this Shortcut here simply run the existing Shortcut. So the existing one could also be linked to say a Siri command or a Home screen button and now I add this personal automation that will run it when I touch the tag.

Now one of the big advantages here is that these can run automatically. If you've been playing around with personal automations one of the disappointments is you can't set one triggered by a location or by a time to run automatically. They will ask you for permission. You still have to take that extra step to actually have it run. But with these tags it runs automatically because you're already taking an action by touching your phone to the tag. So you can do things like having one by the front door and you touch your iPhone to it and it turns off or on the lights in your house. You can have one in your car that when you touch it it starts playing your playlist. You can have one by your office door that when you leave it will text somebody that you're on your way. Now a second way to use NFC tags is to store data on the tag.

When you do that in a certain way it can trigger a phone to take a certain action. It doesn't have to be something that you programmed into your phone before. So it's your phone or anybody else's phone. For instance you could store a webpage URL on a NFC tag. If somebody touches their phone to it, if they have NFC on their phone, it will then prompt them whether or not they want to open up that page. There are other things you can do as well. You need to grab an app to do this. If you can search for NFC in the App Store you're going to come up with a ton of stuff. I grabbed this one because it's mostly free but I didn't really compare it against others so I don't know if it's the best. But it will work for the purposes of my demonstration.

So when I go into this tool here I can do a bunch of different things. I can Read a tag. I can Write to a tag. Let me write to a tag. Here I have to add record. So I can add various bits of data to the tag. Now tags have different amounts of memory. So if you're going to put a lot of stuff on a tag you may want to pay attention to what type of tag you buy. Whether it can store a lot of bytes. If you're going to do something simple it probably doesn't matter. Let's add a record and you can see all these different things that you can add to the tag.

You can add a piece to text. You can add an URL. You can add a link to a file, an email, contact, phone number. All sorts of things. These will all trigger different things on your phone. Let's do the simplest one and add an URL. Then I'm going to just put a simple URL in here. Then I'm going to tap the okay button at the top. So now I'm all ready to write to this. So I'm going to tap the Write button here and it's going to say Ready to Scan. I'm going to take the tag and put it up against it. Watch what happens when I touch the phone to this tag. It's going to come up with this little alert at the top and I can tap it and it will go to this webpage.

Now if I want to change what the tag does I'm going to have to change things. I'm going to have to go back and you can see there is Other and I can Erase the tag. Then once I've erased it I can write different things to the tag. In this app what you're going to write stays there. So I can actually program several different tags to it. There's also the ability here to add a WiFi network. You can give the authentication there. So in other words the password for the WiFi network. So what I plan to do is program one of these tags with my WiFi network for my house and put it right by the front door. The next time a guest comes over and wants the WiFi password all I've got to do is tell them, Touch your phone to this tag.

It will instantly set their phone up with my WiFi network. So there are a lot of different things that you can do with these tags. If I had a store or coffee shop I could see having one of these setup with an URL to signup for my newsletter and people could just touch their phone to it when they checkout and it takes them to that page and they can enter their email address. You could also use the email record there for customer feedback. So it automatically starts them up with an email sent to you with a certain subject. All they need to do is type the body text and hit Send.

You can also use the location tag there and they could tap the little alert that shows up and it takes them to a location on the map. So you can actually get a bunch of these and setup a fun scavenger hunt for your friends where they go from location to location looking for one of these and getting the next location from the tag. So there are a lot of fun things that you could do with NFC tags. Either setting up a shortcut to have one of these work for your phone specifically or setting up one that triggers an action on anybody's phone. Now I should note that you need a fairly recent iPhone to use NFC tags. They work on the iPhone 7, 8, 10, or 11 models. Programming them with things like URLs, locations, or WiFi passwords should also work for most recent android phones.
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How to Find Easy Jobs in Upwork ?

In this Upwork tutorial, I'm going to show you how to find easy jobs on Upwork that require little to no experience. Hi, my name is David from where we believe you should never stop learning. Upwork is a gold mine for freelancers that are experienced or people who are advanced in their careers. It is also a good place for beginners that have little to no experience of the online working space.

How to Find Easy Jobs in Upwork ?

Now, the reason why I'm saying this is because, you can get work that is entry-level kind of work or beginner friendly that requires no experience. And some of these work is just basic things that you do every single day. Here are some simple tactics or keywords that you can use to get these simple jobs. Now you can either use terminologies when doing your such like newbie, newbie friendly. And when you search for such terminologies on Upwork, basically what you're searching for is work that can easily be done by freelancers.

Now you may need to put the job or the search term in quotation. Or let's just change the friendly to "newbies welcome" to search for the-- an exact word. And the reason why I'm doing this is because it's something that I've done and I know this works. So for example, there's this potential job posting that says possible income, $250, $350 per month, ongoing position available, newbies welcome. Basically, the characteristic of this job is that it's going to be low paying.

It's going to be highly competitive, and what happens is that you can easily get hired for these kind of work. And these work is to just try to help you get feedback, get work history so that future potential clients can easily hire you based on the feedback they are seeing and the job history that they are seeing. Secondly, these easy jobs can be based on something like a language. Let's say if I look up the word like Somali. And what happens is some of these jobs are easy to do if you know the dialect. For example, there's this job posting video editor who speaks Somali.

I need to edit a short clip that is spoken in Somali. I have a rough translation in English and I will give directions of what to edit. So basically it's 23 hours ago, and the job is less than five applicants- the proposal that is. So what I'm trying to show you is you can use language based, you can even look for a location and let's say maybe a search term, like, let's say, "tour guide"..."Tour guide". For example, you don't want to go anywhere from your place. This is location based kind of work and a tour guide. Let's say you are in Prague and a particular company's hiring locals to show people, connect people, do fun things.

You know the way Airbnb, does their own thing? You can also look for tour guides as a key term when searching for these jobs. So basically what I'm trying to show you is there's an easy way to find these easy jobs on Upwork. Just by using simple terms that you do every day. We can even look for something like no experience -experience. And see what we'll get, how many jobs, we see if there's any person posting that kind of work. So basically, you can see- now this one is just saying, if you apply and you have no experience, we will report to Upwork. So basically that's a no go zone. huh. This one is saying the client has no experience in that zone.

I'm looking for someone to help me get my blogger site. I have no experience embedding images or sites. So basically it is a client that needs- and is saying that they have no experience. So it's an easy way for you as a freelancer to also get this kind of work if you have the experience embedding images or sites. And basically the client wants you to screen share and walk through them as you teach them. Now, some other particular term that you can use is, some of these, you look for keywords like training.

For example, these particular job posting, has the words, "full training provided". Like the client is willing to train you. I'm planning on training you from the ground up in everything you need to know about... So basically some of these jobs, you just need to use some keywords. Look at-do you know the dialect, the language being spoken, the language the client needs, the kind of work the client needs, and you'd be easily on your way to getting your first job by just doing simple searches, and these such as can also guide you to create your portfolio or sample items that you can use on Upwork.

I hope this video has been easy enough for you to follow and you can start getting these easy jobs even if you are a beginner on Upwork or have little to no experience. In the next tutorial, we're going to be looking at categories of easy jobs on Upwork that require little to no experience. Here, we're going to take a deeper dive into some of the jobs that I've seen and most of them that you can easily get hired for. Thank you for watching this video. Until next time, never stop learning.
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Thursday, December 12, 2019

How to Trade During a Market Crash

So we live in an era of extreme volatility in the markets, and depending on the day, you might hear a stock market crash coming, stock market crash resolved. People love to kind of talk about the apocalyptic ending of Wall Street. It almost reminds me of the trend in zombie movies, except its come to Wall Street. But today I wanna talk about why as a short term trader, you literally do not care about a market crash.

Hey everyone, Lead trainer with StocksToTrade, Tim Bohen here. Be sure to subscribe and like the video. We drop a lot of tips, how tos, we even do live videos, where we break down the trade of the day and then quite often stuff like today, where we're talking about more macro, big picture ideas. So be sure to ring that bell to be notified as soon as the next video hits. So, today I'm gonna talk about the market crash.

How to Trade During a Market Crash

Whether it is or isn't coming, I literally don't care, and you as a short term trader shouldn't either. Now, I wanna re-phra, or extrapolate, I guess I would say. I don't want the market to crash. We've been in an amazing bull market since 2008, 2009 and it's been a wild ride, great for trading. I don't want it to crash, but the simple fact is at some point there's going to be a pull back, and am I laying awake at night worrying about this, planning for it, et cetera. And the answer is, no, because the great thing about low price stocks and the great thing about short term trading is you're trading volatility. There's going to be big moves no matter what.

I think back to when I got started actively day trading. I actually have a lifelong history in finance. I was interested in stocks in the fourth grade, but I came to the markets in 2007, to trade short term, because of the big moves. So you should always know your stock market history. Go back to 2007, 2008, so the financial crisis, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, I mean we had some extreme moves, and it was one of the best times to trade because you would see those huge drops, and those bounces, and those huge drops, and those huge moves back. So volatility is what we love, as short term traders.

Don't be like the old guys, that want to buy and hold, and hope this stock is higher forty years later. That's not what we do, and I don't think that's the way you grow a small account. I mean, if you've got a thousand dollar, a two thousand dollar account, you can't buy one stock and wait twenty years for it to double. In twenty years from now, you'll have a four thousand dollar account. By the time you, inflation, fees, et cetera, you're probably, you might be break even at best. You're probably, to be honest, with a small account, you're probably negative in twenty years, because of inflation and fees, and interest, and everything else.

So, I don't care because when market crashes happen it brings volatility. And there will always be trading. There will be no end to the stock market. It will always be here. Well, barring the joke in the beginning, if there is a true zombie apocalypse. We do need electricity, we do need computers, to trade, but trading has always been around. You go back to the early beginnings of mankind, if I had a fire, and you had a dead animal, we would trade my fire for your meat. It's ingrained in humans to trade. Many of you trade everyday, and you might not know it. You might be like, well Tim, I've never placed a stock market trade.

I don't even have a brokerage account. Well, I'm willing to bet you've had a job at some point. Whether it's mowing lawns, or doing tech support, or a lawyer, you're trading your time for money. You've got a finite resource, your time, your life, and you're trading it for another resource. So it is deeply ingrained in humans. That's why we see bitcoin run, that's why we see weed stock runs, et cetera. So my point is, in summary, don't be afraid of the stock market crash. Learn trading now, you can learn every day. We've got a, the StocksToTrade YouTube channel. We've got hundreds of videos here. We've got the SteadyTrade podcast. There's millions of books, there's all these assets out there. Study, learn, there's always opportunity in the market every trading day, and it doesn't matter if the stock market goes up, or goes down, if you have these skills, you can trade it.

Um, you know it's driven a lot by the media. You know, the media thrives on uncertainty, and they like to scare you about a lot of things. So, just drop a yes or no below. I'd be curious if you're concerned about a stock market crash, or if you're just ready to trade it no matter what happens. Thanks a lot, and we'll see you in the next video. Thanks for watching our video. Be sure to comment below with any trading related question. We love answering your questions. Also, like and share with your friends, and be sure to subscribe to be notified as soon as our next video hits. And if you're looking to expand your trading knowledge, don't forget to check out all of our other videos, and be sure to click the trial below. Check out StocksToTrade. I think it is one of the best, most rapidly advancing softwares out there. Be sure to check out our trial.
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Saturday, March 2, 2019

WordPress vs Blogger | Which is Better for Blogging

Are you going to start blogging then stop for one time and think about correct platform. Yes I want to tell you some positive and negative points about wordpress and blogger. I am going to compare wordpress and blogger. If you are new in blogging then you need to know everything about blogger and wordpress so you can choose correct platform for blogging.

First of all I want to tell you that both platforms are best but if you want to make career in blogging and want to do work for long term in blogging then you need to choose wordpress.


Blogger is product of Google. It is totally free to use. If you are new in blogging field then you can choose blogger for blogging. If you don’t have any budget to spend then blogger is best option for you. Blogger have so many options to do proper blogging. Here you can also do seo. There are so many templates available for blogger to make your website professional.  Blogger also help you to give free subdomain and also help to rank your articles in search engines. So you can say that it is totally free platform for blogging.


Wordpress is also a better option for blogging. If you want to work in blogging like a professional then you definitely need to choose wordpress for blogging. Some websites also provide it free but it is not a good option. So if you want to do blogging on wordpress then you need to spend some money for it. First of all you need to buy a hosting and then you can install wordpress there.
WordPress gives you so many options to do professional blogging. It will make your blogging easy and good. So If you have budget to spend then you need to choose wordpress for blogging.

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Monday, January 14, 2019

How to Check Train PNR Status without Internet Connection

This is Digital India and today we can use any digital service that other countries using. So today in this article i want to tell you that how to check train pnr status without internet connection.

Their are so many reasons to check train pnr status without internet connection. Suppose if your data is expired and now you are not in a situation to recharge so you can use this facility to check your train pnr status without internet connection in any mobile. Yes mobile is also is a reason , if you don't have a mobile that support internet connection so you can check train pnr status in any mobile that you have.

Steps to Check Train PNR Status without Internet Connection

IF you want to check your train PNR status in any mobile then you need to use our simple steps so you can get pnr status in seconds. You need to use message facility to check pnr , yes you can get pnr status through message without any charges.

Step 1. First of all open message box in mobile that you have. It don't require any smartphone , you can use any mobile.

Step 2. Now type PNR then give space and type your pnr number. For example if your pnr number is 12334567890 then you need to type PNR 1234567890 , Now send this sms to 139.

Step 3. As you will send sms you will get an sms with pnr status of your train.

So this is simple method to check train pnr status without internet connection.

Conclusion :
I think this information will definitely help you one day. So don't forgot this method to check train pnr status without internet connection. If this article is helpful for you then share this with your friends and family members.

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